Saturday, March 17, 2018

The Steiner Family


I only know of one Steiner in my family tree.  It is, and probably always will be a dead end.  Alfred Steiner and his wife Frances were my 2nd great-grandparents.  They lived in Eastern Europe, in an area that today is the Czech Republic and/or Silesia.  At the time their children were born it was Austria.  They had at least two daughters.  Those daughters married and emigrated along with their young families to the United States, specifically Lancaster, Ohio. 

When filling out paperwork, being counted in the census, etc. they all reported being from Austria or Germany.  Various town names dot the records; Marie Netuschill reported she was from Blaska, Austria; Natalia Steiner Kuttig's death certificate states she is from Grulich, Austria; Amelia Steiner Netuschill's death certificate states she is from Druelitz, but I believe that should be the same as her sister, Grulich, Austria.  There doesn't appear to be a Druelitz.  Grulich today is in the Czech Republic and is known as Králíky.  Wikipedia Article here.

In the 18th century the town suffered from fires, plague and wars. Though no major battles took place in the region the town suffered from the crossings of armies. Fights, plunderings and bribery took place here, as well as in other parts of the country. During the biggest fires in the years 1708 and 1767 a major part of the town burned down, including the most important buildings. The original wooden houses were replaced by stone ones. After Glatz in Silesia was surrendered to Prussia many of its inhabitants moved to Grulich and the town began to grow. Until 1918, the town of GRULICH was part of the Austrian monarchy (Austria side after the compromise of 1867), in the SENFTENBERG IN BÖHMEN - ŽAMBERK district, one of the 94 Bezirkshauptmannschaften in Bohemia.[1]
In 1791 Grulich became the residence of a regulated magistrate. During a land re-organisation in 1850 the district law court, tax office and land office were established in Grulich. The district law court had worked with several short breaks for almost 100 years.
In 1938, it was occupied by the Nazi army as one of the municipalities in Sudetenland. The German speaking population was expelled in 1945 (see the Beneš decrees) and replaced by Czech settlers.

The first family emigrating arrived in 1881 from Bremen and landed in Baltimore, where they immediately traveled to Lancaster, Ohio.  They were:

Albert Kuttig (Kuttlech in ship records)
Natalia Steiner Kuttig, his wife
Children  Edward A, Bertha E, Anna Marie, Franciska Natalia
Later, in Lancaster were born Rudolph Ernst and Albert Peter

In the early 1900's the Albert Kuttigs lived in Lancaster, and he is listed in various publications as a stone-mason.  In the 1910 census, they apparently decided to try farming in Liberty, Ohio, West of Lancaster.  By the 1920's they were back in Lancaster at 418 Wheeling St. and Albert is again listed as a mason.

Of their children:
1) Edward A. married Ida Rabe, and they had one daughter, Ednah, who never married.  He died young of a nervous ailment.
2) Bertha E. died at age 22, never married. 
3) Anna Marie married Henry Thimmes & they had 11 children.  Henry had a livery stable at various locations, but in the 1910 census, they were living at 144 W. Mulberry St, Lancaster, Ohio.  One of their descendants, Beth Ann Deible, is a DNA match on  She would be our third Cousin, one generation removed.
4.  Franciska Natalia married William Garfield Reed, and they had no children.
5.  Rudolph Ernst married Georgia Berry, and they had one son, Edward Albert.
6.  Albert Peter was in WWI and was killed in France.  Never married.

Natalia Steiner Kuttig's sister and her husband and family arrived from Bremen, again landing in Baltimore, in 1891.

Anton (Anthony) Netuschill (my great-grandfather)
Amelia Steiner Netuschill, his wife (my great-grandmother)
Children:  Anna Josephine (my grandmother), Joseph B, Edward and Marie

The Netuschills to be the subject of another blog.

1 comment:

  1. This is so interesting! Frances Steiner is my third great grandmother; her daughter Natalia Steiner Kuttig is my second great grandmother, and was as far back as I had previously been able to research. Thanks for the connection to Frances, and the details regarding Grulich/Králíky. That gives me some new details.
